Faculty Directory

Zhao Huiyu

Office phone: 62934570
Email: zhaohy723@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Educational background

    Dr. Jur., Environmental law, Wuhan University, 2004

    LL.M., Economic law, Zhengzhou University, 2001

    B.E., Economics, Henan Institute Of Finance And Economics, China, 1996
  • Professional Experience

    2001.09-2004.07 Wuhan University, Dr. Jur.,

    2004.07-present Shanghai Jiaotong University Koguan Law School

    2012.2-2013.2 Visiting scholar at the University of Maryland School of Law

    2016.6-2017.6 Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau, Deputy Director of Regulations and Law.(serve temporary positions)
  • Research Interests

    Chinese Environmental Law; Chinese Natural Resources Law;
    Energy Law; China Judicial system and reform. etc.
  • Publications

    (A) Books

    Animal Welfare Law in the Risk Society, Law Press China, 2023.
    Translation: US Environmental Law; by Robert V. Percival, Law Press China, June 2014.
    Ecosystem Management: Laws and Regulation, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, 2006.
    (B) Academic Articles

    "Comparative Environmental Federalism: Subsidiarity and Central Regulation in the United States and China", Transnational Environmental Law, Volume 6, Issue 3, November 2017. (SSCI) (ESI: Essential Science Indicators)
    Zhao Huiyu. Legal Issues in Administrative Law Enforcement of Environmental Automatic Monitoring in China, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2024, 02.
    "Environmental Law in the Trump Administration" by Robert V. Percival, Translation, Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics (Social Science Edition), 2017, Vol. 36(3).
    "The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Governance in the United States and China", Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, Vol. Spring, 2014.
    "Development of Civic Participation System in Site Selection of Chemical Projects - Taking PX Project as an Example", Administrative Law Research, Shinzansha Publisher Co., Ltd., Vol. 12, March 2016.
    "The Supervision on the Defendant's Compensation for Rehabilitation in the Environmental Public Interest Litigation", contained in "The Report of Environmental Public Interest Litigation", Law Press, China, 2016.
    "Be on the Alert of China's 'Love Canal Incident' - Changzhou Toxic Soil", Oriental Morning Post (Shanghai), April 2016.
    "Let the Secret 'EIA Report' Under the Sunlight", Oriental Morning Post, May 20, 2013.
    "The Solution to China's Environmental Crisis: Environmental Democracy", Oriental Morning Post, March 1, 2013.
    "Criminal Record System and Employment Discrimination - the Reflection to Paragraph 1, Article 24 of China’s ‘Civil Law’", Political Science and Law, August 2009. (CSSCI)
    "How the Energy Law Coping with the Ecological Security - Based on the Value of Energy Security Dualism Perspective", Productivity Research, July 2009. (CSSCI)
    "The Power and Responsibility of the Administrative Organization in Environmental Incidents", Inner Mongolia Social Sciences, June 2009. (CSSCI)
    "The Discussion on Legal Evolution and Trend of Total Quantity Control of Pollutant Discharge", The Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), January 2009. (CSSCI)
    "Eco-Environmental Protect Law and Mechanism System in the Diversion Project from South to North", Citizen and Law, January 2009.
    "Legal Consideration of Public Safety", Legal Daily, May 25, 2009.
    "Consideration of China’s Coerced Offender Crimes", Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers, May 2009.
    "The Research on the U.S. Climate Change Laws and Policy", Eastern Law Journal, June 2008.
    "Discussion on the Enhancement of Environmental Interests in Planning Laws - Taking Recent Environmental Public Affairs as Examples", Law Journal, 2008. (CSSCI)
    "The Legal Control of Ecosystem Rehabilitation", Shangxi Finance University Proceeding, January 2007. (CSSCI)
    "The Pattern, Objectives and Administrative System of Foreign Countries Wetland Legislation", Forest Economics, November 2006. (CSSCI)
    "The EU’s Legislation on Circular Economy", The Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), January 2006.
    "The Legal Bell from Songhua River Water Pollution Accident", Social Science Paper, 2005.
    "The Functions of Environmental Law in China’s New Type of Industrialization", The Review of International Environmental Law and Comparative Law, Legal Publishing House, 2005.
    "On the Legal Institutional Arrangement of China’s Technical Innovation of Ecologicalization", Contemporary Law Science, Vol. 9, 2004.
    "The Relation Between WTO and CBD and Our County’s Countermeasures of Environment Law", Journal of Zhengzhou University, January 2004. (CSSCI)
    "Protection and Rehabilitation of Ecosystem Service Zones in China", Research on Environmental Disruption, Vol. 33, Winter 2004. (Japanese)
    "On Perfection and Normalizing China’s Legal System on Price Administration", Journal of Guizhou University (Social Science), March-May 2004. (CSSCI)
    Translation: Native Vegetations Conservation Act 1997, No.133, New South Wales, Australia, International and Comparative Environmental Law Review, Vol. 1, 2002.
  • Courses

    Chinese Environmental and Resource Law;International Environmental Law;Climate Change Litigation and Regulation;International Environmental Crime
  • Other Professional Activities

    Member of a Council of China Institute of Environmental Law; Member of a Council of China Institute of Energy Law; Distinguished Specialist of Shanghai Third People's Procuratorate; Distinguished Mediator of Shanghai Railway Court; Evaluation Expert of Environmental Damage Appraisal Organization of Shanghai; Member Expert of Industry & Commerce Committee of Shanghai.

    Invited Presentations: Vermont Law School (Summer Programme) the USA, University of Chicago USA 2016; University of Birmingham, UK 2010; University of Maryland, USA 2012; Johns Hopkins University, USA 2013; Osaka University, Japan 2015, 2016, 2017.